
Ornamental plants Learn more about Ornamental plants

  • The value and function of aquatic ornamental plants

    The value and function of aquatic ornamental plants

    The value and function of aquatic ornamental plants

  • General knowledge of maintenance of ornamental fruit plants in winter

    General knowledge of maintenance of ornamental fruit plants in winter

    Light air these ornamental fruit plants need sufficient light, so they need to be exposed to rare sunlight in winter to increase their ornamental quality. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that these plants are in a ventilated environment to prevent them from falling fruit ahead of time due to poor ventilation, thus reducing their ornamental quality.

  • Main biological characteristics and main cultivation and management techniques of ornamental pineapple

    Main biological characteristics and main cultivation and management techniques of ornamental pineapple

    Ornamental pineapple main biological characteristics and ornamental pineapple main cultivation and management techniques ornamental type pineapple is also called pineapple flower, is the current bromeliaceae in the most varieties of perennial herbs. In monocotyledonous plants, bromeliaceae alone contains more than 50...

  • An inventory of aquatic ornamental plants

    An inventory of aquatic ornamental plants

    An inventory of aquatic ornamental plants

  • What are the common varieties of ornamental grass? Introduction to the Variety characteristics and Price of four ornamental grasses

    What are the common varieties of ornamental grass? Introduction to the Variety characteristics and Price of four ornamental grasses

    Grass, this plant is very important for people, basically closely related to people's daily life, in addition to the common use of breeding forage grass, the most widely used is lawn ground cover ornamental grass, which is commonly used in landscaping. Current city

    2020-11-27 Common ornamental grass varieties which four characteristics
  • How to grow ornamental sunflowers?

    How to grow ornamental sunflowers?

    What kinds of ornamental sunflowers do you have? How to grow ornamental sunflowers? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce ornamental sunflowers with whirling plant shape, dense branches and leaves, large and bright flowers, which can be used as potted flowers, cut flowers and ground-grown flowers. Therefore, more and more tourist attractions, farm music, fruit.

  • How much is the price of ornamental peony seedlings? What are the main points of potted plants?

    How much is the price of ornamental peony seedlings? What are the main points of potted plants?

    There are many varieties of ornamental peonies, with large flowers and rich colors, which are not widely distributed in China and are commonly found in Shaanxi, Henan, Gansu and other areas. The root bark of ornamental peony has certain medicinal value, so it has been overdug by people.

    2020-11-08 Ornamental peony flower seedling price yes more less money one potted plant
  • Interesting, exquisite and ornamental methods for potted ornamental pumpkin

    Interesting, exquisite and ornamental methods for potted ornamental pumpkin

    Interesting, exquisite and ornamental methods for potted ornamental pumpkin

  • Planting these ornamental onions in the yard is more beautiful than tulips and hyacinths.

    Planting these ornamental onions in the yard is more beautiful than tulips and hyacinths.

    You may not believe it, there are many ornamental varieties of onions, and it is a good choice to plant them in the courtyard. Ornamental onions belong to the bulb flowers of the genus Allium of Liliaceae. The flowers are very small, but there are a lot of flowers, gathered into a ball, there are very.

  • Pot cultivation techniques for propagation of ornamental peach blossoms and control of diseases and insect pests

    Pot cultivation techniques for propagation of ornamental peach blossoms and control of diseases and insect pests

    Ornamental peach blossom propagation and plant pest control techniques ornamental peach blossom refers to a variety for ornamental purposes. Compared with edible peach, it has the characteristics of larger flowers, more petals, beautiful flower shape, rich flower color, longer flowering period and so on.

  • A Survey of the Development of ornamental Fisheries

    A Survey of the Development of ornamental Fisheries

    First, the general situation of the development of ornamental fisheries in China. 1. The development history of ornamental fisheries in China. China is the hometown of goldfish. Goldfish has been raised among the people in China for more than 2000 years. It was introduced into the West at the beginning of the 16th century and was favored by European and American countries. It is called "Oriental Holy Fish". Goldfish has become a worldwide species and plays an important role in ornamental fish. 2. The present situation of the development of ornamental fishery in China the rapid development of ornamental fish in China began at the end of the 80s of the 20th century.

  • Four Seasons Maintenance of Air Pineapple

    Four Seasons Maintenance of Air Pineapple

    Spring is the most suitable season for the growth of air pineapple, the temperature is appropriate, the light is gentle, the temperature is kept below 28℃, and each variety can be bathed in sunshine all day. Under the condition of good ventilation, water can be watered at will. Summer needs to pay attention to the season of breeding most in summer, and June can be illuminated for half a day. To midsummer

  • Propagation and cultivation techniques of ornamental Peach Blossom

    Propagation and cultivation techniques of ornamental Peach Blossom

    Ornamental peach blossom, also known as peach blossom, refers to the variety of peach trees for ornamental purposes. Compared with edible peaches, it has the characteristics of larger flowers, more petals, beautiful flower shape, rich flower color, longer flowering period and so on. Except for a few varieties, ornamental peach blossoms generally do not bear fruit, even if they bear fruit, the fruit is not edible, and the fruit color is not good and the size is small. But its bright and brilliant flowers are not only a symbol of spring, but also an indispensable ornamental plant in spring. Du Fu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, used the poem "Peach Blossom blossoms without owner, lovely crimson reflecting light red".

  • How to maintain fruit plants in winter

    How to maintain fruit plants in winter

    The ornamental nature of fruit viewing plants is quite special. Sometimes in winter, we can see full trees of fruits. However, in winter, how to maintain fruit plants? The environment for maintaining fruit plants in winter requires sufficient light to cultivate fruit plants.

  • Propagation methods and cultivation Management techniques of ornamental Peach Blossom

    Propagation methods and cultivation Management techniques of ornamental Peach Blossom

    Do you know the biggest difference between watching peach blossoms and eating peaches? The difference that many friends blurt out is edible and inedible, of course, but the peach blossom is bigger, more beautiful and more ornamental.

  • In addition to flowers, you can also enjoy the grass. Do you want to know?

    In addition to flowers, you can also enjoy the grass. Do you want to know?

    With the increasing popularity of rural garden style, some "weeds" with special ornamental effects have successfully attracted the attention of garden designers. After careful domestication and breeding, these grasses, as "ornamental grasses", have gradually become active in private.

  • Which are the four ornamental orchids juxtaposed with the highest ornamental value? Who knows?

    Which are the four ornamental orchids juxtaposed with the highest ornamental value? Who knows?

    There are about 20,000 species of orchids in the world, and it is estimated that there are nearly 30,000 species of orchids cultivated artificially in recent years. Among them, four orchids are listed as the orchids with the highest ornamental value, which can often be seen in the bride's bouquet.

  • Planting and maintenance of ornamental Sunflower

    Planting and maintenance of ornamental Sunflower

    Ornamental sunflowers can be planted in courtyards or gardens, and the ornamental effect is very good. Generally speaking, after the ornamental sunflower is sown and germinated, it needs to be transplanted and planted. The maintenance at this time is very important for the growth of the ornamental sunflower in the future.

  • How to grow the latest ornamental sunflowers?

    How to grow the latest ornamental sunflowers?

    Ornamental sunflower is an annual flower of the genus Compositae, with a height of 90 to 300 cm, flowering from July to September, golden yellow, red and complex colors, etc., generally planted in pieces, golden and dazzling when blooming, both wild and spectacular, widely used in cut flowers, potted flowers,

    2020-11-10 The latest ornamental sunflower how plant for
  • Introduction of Several Vegetable Plants as Ornamental Bonsai

    Introduction of Several Vegetable Plants as Ornamental Bonsai

    Potted vegetables are vegetables grown in pots or other containers for viewing and picking. Suitable for potted crops and varieties are the following categories: First, fruit vegetables
